Contact me |
SWMud: Loarien (Semi-Retired) DAOC: Belthie, Merlin US Server, Cleric - Belthor, Merlin US Server, Sorcerer (Guilds: Highguard of Camelot - Exile) - (All retired) WoW: Belthor, Magtheridon EU server, Priest. - Belthor, EU Laughing Skull server, Druid. (Guilds: DoF, Showtime and GPCI) - (Both Retired) Lotro: Belth, Evernight EU, Burglar - Belthorn, Evernight EU, Lore-Master (All active)
If you wish to contact me, use the link at the top left part of this webpage.
Belthor - 8 November 2007 |